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heres a little story that
must be told....
from beginning to end
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F U C K I N G //
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/ / C H R I S T
we all know, jesus christ, NO You dont..his real name was desus, desus fuckin
christ goddamnit...an he was a black man. thas right. JESUS WAS A BLACK MAN.
yessir. straight from the nile river. well desus gon come back. you here me. he
gon take de shape of a natchel man an win de goddamn vintage..see, hes coming
back as an ascii drawer, bein me, me bein desus, i am the almighty. doggonit so
vote for this goddamn mutherfucker or youll jus punch chunks down in hell wid
de res uh de goddamn family...anyways..i gots to be going...so ima see ya l8r
heres a little story that
must be told....
from beginning to end
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F U C K I N G //
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/ / C H R I S T
we all know, jesus christ, NO You dont..his real name was desus, desus fuckin
christ goddamnit...an he was a black man. thas right. JESUS WAS A BLACK MAN.
yessir. straight from the nile river. well desus gon come back. you here me. he
gon take de shape of a natchel man an win de goddamn vintage..see, hes coming
back as an ascii drawer, bein me, me bein desus, i am the almighty. doggonit so
vote for this goddamn mutherfucker or youll jus punch chunks down in hell wid
de res uh de goddamn family...anyways..i gots to be going...so ima see ya l8r
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