this image contains text
line 1 of 117 80x50 only looky me!!
/ drunk : choking
:::: fucks
Once upon a time, there lived three little piggies.
not piggies in the ordinary sense, but pigs none the less.
One day these pigs decided it was time to get back at old BB Wolf.
So they bought a rabid female hyena and slipped it some extacy.
Stage One complete.
The piggies took the hyena bitch down to the bar and left her there,
knowing that the wolf would soon be there and would hit on anything
While poor dumb bastard wolf was at the bar, the pigs broke into his
swinging bachelor pad and installed some surveillance cameras, hoping
to have a good laugh.
All the while they tried to ignore the sticky computer in the corner.
On the way home, they decided to grab some beer for the big event.
Right on time, the wolf had picked up that bitch and taken her home.
The piggies settled in for a gut-busting laugh-fest.
And what do you kow, but soon they were all rather inebriated.
Flipping on the other cameras, they got a good view of wolf and hyena
doing the funky monkey on the kitchen table.
However, what BB Wolf didnt notice was the extacy wearing off.
Bad for BB, good for the piggies.
That hyena bitch wasnt in a good mood.
The following scene has been edited due to graphic violence.
if this pisses you off, hunt down your congressman.
The pigs were laughing their asses off at the scene of wolfly carnage
before them.
In fact, those drunk fucks laughed so hard that they were choking.
In fact, they choked so hard that all three of them died also.
So ends our little fairy tale.
/ / / dead : ::: /
: :::: cops
: fugging:
im tired of being politically correct.
we have bounties on rodents.
gophers, beavers, crows, snakes, and the like.
but these are too easy to kill.
maybe its time we get paid to hunt something that can fight back.
maybe like cops.
cops could be fun to whack, and at least now wed get PAID to do it.
none of this bullshit copkilling just for fun.
now we can do it for the profit.
theres just one thing i need to work out....
how to pile all those DEAD FUGGING COPS in the back of the truck.
l : ::::
l :
: DIE /
: : l / /
: cow!
: : : fat
l /
l ::::
:::: ah, there you are. ::::
:::: you brainless lump of goo. ::::
:::: raised by the farmer-guy, ::::
:::: do you know whats about to happen? ::::
:::: its bovine university for you, BAYBEE!! ::::
:::: i cant wait for you to graduate. ::::
:::: and make a personal appearance in my local store
:::: remember all those good times we had, ::::
:::: tipping you in the fields? ::::
:::: well soon well be dipping you ::::
:::: and wishing you were veal. ::::
:::: but beggars cant be choosers. ::::
:::: maybe, if i beg, ::::
:::: i can be the one to fire the bolt gun at your head.
:::: mmm, head goo. ::::
:::: so hurry your big square ass across the floor
:::: and onto my plate. ::::
:::: why? ::::
:::: because im hungry. ::::
/ drunk : choking
:::: fucks
Once upon a time, there lived three little piggies.
not piggies in the ordinary sense, but pigs none the less.
One day these pigs decided it was time to get back at old BB Wolf.
So they bought a rabid female hyena and slipped it some extacy.
Stage One complete.
The piggies took the hyena bitch down to the bar and left her there,
knowing that the wolf would soon be there and would hit on anything
While poor dumb bastard wolf was at the bar, the pigs broke into his
swinging bachelor pad and installed some surveillance cameras, hoping
to have a good laugh.
All the while they tried to ignore the sticky computer in the corner.
On the way home, they decided to grab some beer for the big event.
Right on time, the wolf had picked up that bitch and taken her home.
The piggies settled in for a gut-busting laugh-fest.
And what do you kow, but soon they were all rather inebriated.
Flipping on the other cameras, they got a good view of wolf and hyena
doing the funky monkey on the kitchen table.
However, what BB Wolf didnt notice was the extacy wearing off.
Bad for BB, good for the piggies.
That hyena bitch wasnt in a good mood.
The following scene has been edited due to graphic violence.
if this pisses you off, hunt down your congressman.
The pigs were laughing their asses off at the scene of wolfly carnage
before them.
In fact, those drunk fucks laughed so hard that they were choking.
In fact, they choked so hard that all three of them died also.
So ends our little fairy tale.
/ / / dead : ::: /
: :::: cops
: fugging:
im tired of being politically correct.
we have bounties on rodents.
gophers, beavers, crows, snakes, and the like.
but these are too easy to kill.
maybe its time we get paid to hunt something that can fight back.
maybe like cops.
cops could be fun to whack, and at least now wed get PAID to do it.
none of this bullshit copkilling just for fun.
now we can do it for the profit.
theres just one thing i need to work out....
how to pile all those DEAD FUGGING COPS in the back of the truck.
l : ::::
l :
: DIE /
: : l / /
: cow!
: : : fat
l /
l ::::
:::: ah, there you are. ::::
:::: you brainless lump of goo. ::::
:::: raised by the farmer-guy, ::::
:::: do you know whats about to happen? ::::
:::: its bovine university for you, BAYBEE!! ::::
:::: i cant wait for you to graduate. ::::
:::: and make a personal appearance in my local store
:::: remember all those good times we had, ::::
:::: tipping you in the fields? ::::
:::: well soon well be dipping you ::::
:::: and wishing you were veal. ::::
:::: but beggars cant be choosers. ::::
:::: maybe, if i beg, ::::
:::: i can be the one to fire the bolt gun at your head.
:::: mmm, head goo. ::::
:::: so hurry your big square ass across the floor
:::: and onto my plate. ::::
:::: why? ::::
:::: because im hungry. ::::
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