this image contains text
V O i D N E W S L E T T E R
Shoot it was a great month this month. We hav
e a few draw-backs CUZ some of the members w
ere to lazy to do shit. We came out about 2
months back and we are getting larger every month. We have a few
members. We have good news. It is that the EASTERN VOiD is broke
up cuz we kept fucking with the prez
Grimace Void
Ok our new distros are The Dominion. We made some changes in our
Hqs. Our whq is now Psycho City and Black Rain is our App-Hq so
please upload your apps to Black Rain and no other board.
Recently in our last pack we had alot of controversy over rippin s
off. Well as for the app maker the ansi was redone enuf to the po
that I did not rip it off. I just used the idea. I even wrote to
Somms about it. Then there was our member listing... I did not ev
realize how it was exactly the same as the ACiD one.. We have chan
it this month so me happy:
Our new members this month are.... Sharp from ACiD w
ho is helpin out in our public relations dep..
. Incinerator who is a coder. The Nazgul who
is joinin up in our musician/courier forces. B
lack Anvil who is in the ansi department. In our courier department
we have had lots of applications and we have decide
d to go with Wolf Lord ,Patch, and someone I ca
nt remember off hand.....
Yee h
aw, its Weazels 16th birthday.
iT has been a stressfull time for me
this year with the second year of
high school and runnin a
group and not having money. Uh hmm
if ya wanna say happy birthday to me
personally, haha yeah rite. Reach me
at VOiDSS@AOL.COM....my gift that
you gave me is downloading and
spreading this pack....
Thanx for your support. WeazelVOiD
Yee haw, it was
Grimaces 14th
birthday in december. Wish both me Why doe
s Weazel Fucking
and Weazel a happy birthday. kee
p doin rips of eyes.
Yow.... I cant believe that we rated beter than RELiC in one of
the last e.mags. It came as a great suprise to see that especialy
since we thought they were hella better than us... Well thas it.
thanks for spreading and downloading this pack....
Oh and as for our viewer we do not have one this month thanks to
Chronos. Our app maker was remade to be nicer. Then what it was.
V O i D N E W S L E T T E R
Shoot it was a great month this month. We hav
e a few draw-backs CUZ some of the members w
ere to lazy to do shit. We came out about 2
months back and we are getting larger every month. We have a few
members. We have good news. It is that the EASTERN VOiD is broke
up cuz we kept fucking with the prez
Grimace Void
Ok our new distros are The Dominion. We made some changes in our
Hqs. Our whq is now Psycho City and Black Rain is our App-Hq so
please upload your apps to Black Rain and no other board.
Recently in our last pack we had alot of controversy over rippin s
off. Well as for the app maker the ansi was redone enuf to the po
that I did not rip it off. I just used the idea. I even wrote to
Somms about it. Then there was our member listing... I did not ev
realize how it was exactly the same as the ACiD one.. We have chan
it this month so me happy:
Our new members this month are.... Sharp from ACiD w
ho is helpin out in our public relations dep..
. Incinerator who is a coder. The Nazgul who
is joinin up in our musician/courier forces. B
lack Anvil who is in the ansi department. In our courier department
we have had lots of applications and we have decide
d to go with Wolf Lord ,Patch, and someone I ca
nt remember off hand.....
Yee h
aw, its Weazels 16th birthday.
iT has been a stressfull time for me
this year with the second year of
high school and runnin a
group and not having money. Uh hmm
if ya wanna say happy birthday to me
personally, haha yeah rite. Reach me
at VOiDSS@AOL.COM....my gift that
you gave me is downloading and
spreading this pack....
Thanx for your support. WeazelVOiD
Yee haw, it was
Grimaces 14th
birthday in december. Wish both me Why doe
s Weazel Fucking
and Weazel a happy birthday. kee
p doin rips of eyes.
Yow.... I cant believe that we rated beter than RELiC in one of
the last e.mags. It came as a great suprise to see that especialy
since we thought they were hella better than us... Well thas it.
thanks for spreading and downloading this pack....
Oh and as for our viewer we do not have one this month thanks to
Chronos. Our app maker was remade to be nicer. Then what it was.
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