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Visions of Reality Info File For June 1994
Welp, here we are, yet again. Visions of Reality is proud to release thier Junepack. Things have been kind of slow lately, especially with the seniors a maj-ority of the group, because of senior college stuff. The pack was delayed for
several reasons: 1 I caught the intestinal flu on the day of release, 2 the
seniors in the group and 3 plain laziness by certain group members. This willnot be our best pack, but it wont be our worst. The work in the pack is good,
but there isnt much work to be shown. Next month will be much, much better forus, as the seniors and hopefully everyone else will be able to concentrate on
the group more. yep, we have lives outside VOR : As a lot of IRCers know, IWidow Maker have been trying to expand VOR a lot throughout the internet. Be-fore, we were primarily a small local group based in the Maryland/Virginia/D.C.
area, and to be honest, we basically still are. : But we slowly and surely
are expanding. I have picked up several distro sites, and a couple couriers to
spread the pack. We have a lot of people depending on this pack release, also,
to make a decision on which way to go. Some will be disappointed, others wont.
Weve had several merge requests with well-known groups, but weve had to turn
them down, because we are stubborn we wanted to keep our name and our WHQ.
We are working on picking up artists, but honestly, we only picked up one artistthis month, and he is a font guy -- Captain Solo. Ill quit jabbering and let
the pack speak for itself, no matter which impression you get from it. Oh, one
more thing, if you need to contact me, I can be reached through the internet
through several ways. My e-mail account is robbh@cap.gwu.edu. My full internetaccount is eliphas@clark.net. If you around IRC, my nick is widowmak. Our
President, Dark Wolf, can be reached through the internet as well. His address
is darkwolf@arcanum.clark.net. Our other senior members can be reached through
either Dark Wolf or myself, or if you prefer you can call our WHQ and EHQ and
find them there. Have fun!
Oh yeah, Lifo OPardy has released his first loader. Take a look at it.Hes been struggling a little bit with getting VGA coding down, but I think
hes got it. Thanks to some help from Sinister Outlaw. BTW - The viewer by
him has been updated, too. The name is ILLUME.EXE. And Asterix, one of our
other coders, has updated the application generator to include a section for
couriers and lit people. So check it out! :
Visions of Reality Info File For June 1994
Greets go out to:
ICE, ACID, BAD, DIE, SHIVER, Visual Imagery, The Guardian, Dosage, Syntax Error,Scythe, IFX, The Weasal grow some pubes, Sinister Outlaw, X-P, Lord Scarlet,
Voodoo Child, Osceola, Thor, Drizz see The Weasal, Quazar, Entropy, Brightman, etc. etc. etc. I could go on for lines, but Ill spare ya :
Welp, here we are, yet again. Visions of Reality is proud to release thier Junepack. Things have been kind of slow lately, especially with the seniors a maj-ority of the group, because of senior college stuff. The pack was delayed for
several reasons: 1 I caught the intestinal flu on the day of release, 2 the
seniors in the group and 3 plain laziness by certain group members. This willnot be our best pack, but it wont be our worst. The work in the pack is good,
but there isnt much work to be shown. Next month will be much, much better forus, as the seniors and hopefully everyone else will be able to concentrate on
the group more. yep, we have lives outside VOR : As a lot of IRCers know, IWidow Maker have been trying to expand VOR a lot throughout the internet. Be-fore, we were primarily a small local group based in the Maryland/Virginia/D.C.
area, and to be honest, we basically still are. : But we slowly and surely
are expanding. I have picked up several distro sites, and a couple couriers to
spread the pack. We have a lot of people depending on this pack release, also,
to make a decision on which way to go. Some will be disappointed, others wont.
Weve had several merge requests with well-known groups, but weve had to turn
them down, because we are stubborn we wanted to keep our name and our WHQ.
We are working on picking up artists, but honestly, we only picked up one artistthis month, and he is a font guy -- Captain Solo. Ill quit jabbering and let
the pack speak for itself, no matter which impression you get from it. Oh, one
more thing, if you need to contact me, I can be reached through the internet
through several ways. My e-mail account is robbh@cap.gwu.edu. My full internetaccount is eliphas@clark.net. If you around IRC, my nick is widowmak. Our
President, Dark Wolf, can be reached through the internet as well. His address
is darkwolf@arcanum.clark.net. Our other senior members can be reached through
either Dark Wolf or myself, or if you prefer you can call our WHQ and EHQ and
find them there. Have fun!
Oh yeah, Lifo OPardy has released his first loader. Take a look at it.Hes been struggling a little bit with getting VGA coding down, but I think
hes got it. Thanks to some help from Sinister Outlaw. BTW - The viewer by
him has been updated, too. The name is ILLUME.EXE. And Asterix, one of our
other coders, has updated the application generator to include a section for
couriers and lit people. So check it out! :
Visions of Reality Info File For June 1994
Greets go out to:
ICE, ACID, BAD, DIE, SHIVER, Visual Imagery, The Guardian, Dosage, Syntax Error,Scythe, IFX, The Weasal grow some pubes, Sinister Outlaw, X-P, Lord Scarlet,
Voodoo Child, Osceola, Thor, Drizz see The Weasal, Quazar, Entropy, Brightman, etc. etc. etc. I could go on for lines, but Ill spare ya :
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