this image contains text
visions of reality
october 1994 active member list
Wade from U.S.Acres by Jim Davis
if our member list looks small, read the fucking nfo file
senior council:
widow maker venom lifo dark wolf
ansi artists:
silver rat skarecrow lord scarlet djinn spam
hollow point forego
vga artists:
venom sonic enigma hros
rip artists:
widow maker raistlin majere
lief opardy asterix absolute zero sinister outlaw
lord-x wavreth windrose
dark wolf hollow point
lit writers:
apothecary arthurus pendragon ralgoth
entropy pericles plasmatiod the krazy little punk
affiliated boards:
seminole wind world hq 301-236-9030
atari blues israeli hq +972.9.84193
death gate canadian hq 204-774-2326
higher grounds southern hq 305-927-7801
hyperx australian hq +619.310.8810
rendered images western hq 206-529-3467
bloodstorm 2 member board 301-292-4124
souls in hell member board 703-658-9597,2222,22,22
arcanum member board 703-799-5648
narkotic illusions member board 303-xxx-xxxx
reunion of souls member board 703-481-1881
black thunder dist site 603-xxx-xxxx
delusions dist site 804-282-4745
harmoon dist site 216-951-7059
pandemodium dist site 718-xxx-xxxx
psalm 69 dist site 513-530-9250
studio 69 dist site 713-379-6939
T.A.C. dist site 517-xxx-xxxx
the cattle kingdom dist site 414-377-3129
the heretic asylum dist site 404-947-2500
the leaf south dist site 314-365-7697
ravaged nightmare dist site 516-277-3525
tramontane dist site 813-653-1652
realm of insanity dist site 203-568-1502
the heretic asylum dist site 404-947-2500
suicidal shrimp dist site 514-768-3383
if i forgot you, im sorry, e-mail me at eliphas@clark.net
ansi/design by silver rat
october 1994 active member list
Wade from U.S.Acres by Jim Davis
if our member list looks small, read the fucking nfo file
senior council:
widow maker venom lifo dark wolf
ansi artists:
silver rat skarecrow lord scarlet djinn spam
hollow point forego
vga artists:
venom sonic enigma hros
rip artists:
widow maker raistlin majere
lief opardy asterix absolute zero sinister outlaw
lord-x wavreth windrose
dark wolf hollow point
lit writers:
apothecary arthurus pendragon ralgoth
entropy pericles plasmatiod the krazy little punk
affiliated boards:
seminole wind world hq 301-236-9030
atari blues israeli hq +972.9.84193
death gate canadian hq 204-774-2326
higher grounds southern hq 305-927-7801
hyperx australian hq +619.310.8810
rendered images western hq 206-529-3467
bloodstorm 2 member board 301-292-4124
souls in hell member board 703-658-9597,2222,22,22
arcanum member board 703-799-5648
narkotic illusions member board 303-xxx-xxxx
reunion of souls member board 703-481-1881
black thunder dist site 603-xxx-xxxx
delusions dist site 804-282-4745
harmoon dist site 216-951-7059
pandemodium dist site 718-xxx-xxxx
psalm 69 dist site 513-530-9250
studio 69 dist site 713-379-6939
T.A.C. dist site 517-xxx-xxxx
the cattle kingdom dist site 414-377-3129
the heretic asylum dist site 404-947-2500
the leaf south dist site 314-365-7697
ravaged nightmare dist site 516-277-3525
tramontane dist site 813-653-1652
realm of insanity dist site 203-568-1502
the heretic asylum dist site 404-947-2500
suicidal shrimp dist site 514-768-3383
if i forgot you, im sorry, e-mail me at eliphas@clark.net
ansi/design by silver rat
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