this image contains text
:l .dG.
jS@y .dl
j .d: .,y
j: .dP TL
,. jl :l .dP TL ..,,y
:l j l:.dP.:ly@@TL
l: jl: dl88L
:l j :l :88**lT TL
!L jj lP y@@Sl l: L TL T
L !L jj l: ,dl l: L TL T
L !GggGj :l j! j :l lL TL T
b,Tj: j! j :l lL T*.,T
b,jl l: .d! j : :y@S
b,*.d :! j: :
SS: P.d: l l
l l8*.88******88 8*
*88888*** **888*
Wax 1 info file
Hello all you freaks out there, thanks for checking out wax!a 01
bAYYYBEEE. Wax started out with me thinking about the state the
ascii art scene is in. I know that you out there think the scene
is rather nice right now and very stable but thats not what I
think. A lot of groups have died this year and a lot of artists
have left the scene, without some new people to take their places
and I makes me think how long the scene will last. There are only
3 stable groups remorse/odelay/kwest and all the other groups
are still new and were probably saying to ourselves how long
will that last? Well, Im going to keep this group going as long
as I can. After I thought all this out, I started talking to drax
on IRC because the drax-man is my best bud on IRC. Anyway, we
both thought starting a group now would be a good idea, since it
was right after the death of serial. And we are going for the
basic idea serial did, this group is going to be a haven for new
artists. You probably looked at the member list and said, all
the people in here are fucking old artists, well, you try and
find new talent. Anyway, enough bickering from me, look at the
and enjoy. Have fun. Whatever. Comments go to gdr@flash.net
for me and regiz0rd@hotmail.com for drax0r. BBBBBYYYYYYYEEEEEEE!!
* special thanks to sargon for the
leet-o header
Whatsup people? This is drax speaking.
First off id like to welcome you to our first release. Im very grateful
so many good artists joined us at first. But the reason me and gravedancer
started it was to bring more hope to the scene, giving/finding new talents
everywhere. So we get more artists drawing. I realized that creating
a group saying we created it for the scene when were inviting already
existing good artists to it which only means less asciis in each
and every group this artist already is in. We are not attempting to be one
of the best groups right now, we just wanted a good basic group memberlist
which we got. Not many unknown artist yet, but we are working on that part.
wax!ascii got born one weekend when I and my good friend gravedancer talked
on iRC. We had both been talking about starting a group sometime before,
but since we couldnt handle a compo every week, how would a group go?
Well i hope this will work out fine. We will do our best finding new talents
but remember, we are not competing so dont come grading unknown people like
people whove existed for awhile. I would also like to thank nahal, martz and
blackdawn for the nice guests. And not to forget, phunk!ascii merged as our
oldschool division, thanks guys! And hey, WORD GRAVEDANCER YOU DA MAN!@
I cant think of anymore to write, except enjoy our first pack!
Thanks to: gravedancer - crash - axb
volatile - arlequin. STAFF
...Crash takes over...
Umm .. heh .. hey .. hows it going? .. shit, Im never good
at writing these ... so like ... bare with me here : ... All this phat
shyt started when DraX msged me one day like y0e k1d..we are g0nn4
startz0r a c00l gr0up...wannuh j0inz0r?!?!? .. and I was like uhh,
whos in it? blah blah blah .. and it turns out that we have quite
a phearsome memberlist now. So, even though Drax says we arent here
to be the best in the scene just yet, our main goal is to be the best
but until then, we want to be atleast respected by the tough critics in
ascii ... and to those of you who love to bitch about other groups
that you dont like cuz they are new .. I have something for you ......
.....FUCK YOU.
Well, welcome to Wax!ascii. Watching the scene deteriorate into nothingness,
you cant help but wonder how much longer the art of ascii will hold strong.
we can only speculate when it will fade away, and then we have the ascii
revivals to worry about. 8 i dont think new school will ever truely die.
i dont think anyone should sweat it if it does though. i think a lot of
people are getting tired because they get stuck on their certain styles
and forget that they CAN do ascii a million other unexplored ways. anyway,
whatever happens, just remember that when it comes down to it, it isnt about
the scene, its about you and your expression through what your doing. as
long as that exists, you havent lost anything.
oldschool department
/ /PHUNK // pnk
/ / AScii/
volatile arlequin tim drake /
/ krestyle dezibel aneurysm /
well you were probely wondered what this do in a wax ascii pack...
welp we merged in wax ascii as a division, thats mean we dont change
our name, we are still phunk ascii an amiga oldschool group.
but im a senior in wax so i will try to be more involved from now on,
about all the talk about the scene, i agree with allmost everything
mjay wrote in fuckyou! 2 except the metter of competition, well i think
this scene is fooling herself about that metter, becouse art is a metter
of taste, for example lets say : Mr. A like remorse arts and Mr. B dont
like it infect he think the pack was preety lame, Mr. A dont like the
odelay pack, but he thinks prodigy is a nice guy so he say it was cool, Mr.
B said The Remorse Pack was great.
the point im trying to get thru is that pepole judge art by the name of
the group in the scene, 55 will say it was good even if it wasnt,
20 famouse artists usely will say the truth, 15 will say nuthin and try
to avoid that kind of chat.
well i might be an idiot but thats the way i see it so figure it out...
anyway here some group news :
* aneurysm probely quit drawing, i dont know if he will have a change of heart but if he wont he will be deleted of the member list.
* krestyle has been invited in, he got a realy cool style welcome to the group
for apps : volatile@main.aquanet.co.il
if you want to join leave me full detiles and dont forget we have a dualing
rule : 1 group except phunk only allowed.
- volatile phunk leader / wax senior
?g, ,,,,,,
:l .dG.
jS@y .dl
j .d: .,y
j: .dP TL
,. jl :l .dP TL ..,,y
:l j l:.dP.:ly@@TL
l: jl: dl88L
:l j :l :88**lT TL
!L jj lP y@@Sl l: L TL T
L !L jj l: ,dl l: L TL T
L !GggGj :l j! j :l lL TL T
b,Tj: j! j :l lL T*.,T
b,jl l: .d! j : :y@S
b,*.d :! j: :
SS: P.d: l l
l l8*.88******88 8*
*88888*** **888*
Wax 1 info file
Hello all you freaks out there, thanks for checking out wax!a 01
bAYYYBEEE. Wax started out with me thinking about the state the
ascii art scene is in. I know that you out there think the scene
is rather nice right now and very stable but thats not what I
think. A lot of groups have died this year and a lot of artists
have left the scene, without some new people to take their places
and I makes me think how long the scene will last. There are only
3 stable groups remorse/odelay/kwest and all the other groups
are still new and were probably saying to ourselves how long
will that last? Well, Im going to keep this group going as long
as I can. After I thought all this out, I started talking to drax
on IRC because the drax-man is my best bud on IRC. Anyway, we
both thought starting a group now would be a good idea, since it
was right after the death of serial. And we are going for the
basic idea serial did, this group is going to be a haven for new
artists. You probably looked at the member list and said, all
the people in here are fucking old artists, well, you try and
find new talent. Anyway, enough bickering from me, look at the
and enjoy. Have fun. Whatever. Comments go to gdr@flash.net
for me and regiz0rd@hotmail.com for drax0r. BBBBBYYYYYYYEEEEEEE!!
* special thanks to sargon for the
leet-o header
Whatsup people? This is drax speaking.
First off id like to welcome you to our first release. Im very grateful
so many good artists joined us at first. But the reason me and gravedancer
started it was to bring more hope to the scene, giving/finding new talents
everywhere. So we get more artists drawing. I realized that creating
a group saying we created it for the scene when were inviting already
existing good artists to it which only means less asciis in each
and every group this artist already is in. We are not attempting to be one
of the best groups right now, we just wanted a good basic group memberlist
which we got. Not many unknown artist yet, but we are working on that part.
wax!ascii got born one weekend when I and my good friend gravedancer talked
on iRC. We had both been talking about starting a group sometime before,
but since we couldnt handle a compo every week, how would a group go?
Well i hope this will work out fine. We will do our best finding new talents
but remember, we are not competing so dont come grading unknown people like
people whove existed for awhile. I would also like to thank nahal, martz and
blackdawn for the nice guests. And not to forget, phunk!ascii merged as our
oldschool division, thanks guys! And hey, WORD GRAVEDANCER YOU DA MAN!@
I cant think of anymore to write, except enjoy our first pack!
Thanks to: gravedancer - crash - axb
volatile - arlequin. STAFF
...Crash takes over...
Umm .. heh .. hey .. hows it going? .. shit, Im never good
at writing these ... so like ... bare with me here : ... All this phat
shyt started when DraX msged me one day like y0e k1d..we are g0nn4
startz0r a c00l gr0up...wannuh j0inz0r?!?!? .. and I was like uhh,
whos in it? blah blah blah .. and it turns out that we have quite
a phearsome memberlist now. So, even though Drax says we arent here
to be the best in the scene just yet, our main goal is to be the best
but until then, we want to be atleast respected by the tough critics in
ascii ... and to those of you who love to bitch about other groups
that you dont like cuz they are new .. I have something for you ......
.....FUCK YOU.
Well, welcome to Wax!ascii. Watching the scene deteriorate into nothingness,
you cant help but wonder how much longer the art of ascii will hold strong.
we can only speculate when it will fade away, and then we have the ascii
revivals to worry about. 8 i dont think new school will ever truely die.
i dont think anyone should sweat it if it does though. i think a lot of
people are getting tired because they get stuck on their certain styles
and forget that they CAN do ascii a million other unexplored ways. anyway,
whatever happens, just remember that when it comes down to it, it isnt about
the scene, its about you and your expression through what your doing. as
long as that exists, you havent lost anything.
oldschool department
/ /PHUNK // pnk
/ / AScii/
volatile arlequin tim drake /
/ krestyle dezibel aneurysm /
well you were probely wondered what this do in a wax ascii pack...
welp we merged in wax ascii as a division, thats mean we dont change
our name, we are still phunk ascii an amiga oldschool group.
but im a senior in wax so i will try to be more involved from now on,
about all the talk about the scene, i agree with allmost everything
mjay wrote in fuckyou! 2 except the metter of competition, well i think
this scene is fooling herself about that metter, becouse art is a metter
of taste, for example lets say : Mr. A like remorse arts and Mr. B dont
like it infect he think the pack was preety lame, Mr. A dont like the
odelay pack, but he thinks prodigy is a nice guy so he say it was cool, Mr.
B said The Remorse Pack was great.
the point im trying to get thru is that pepole judge art by the name of
the group in the scene, 55 will say it was good even if it wasnt,
20 famouse artists usely will say the truth, 15 will say nuthin and try
to avoid that kind of chat.
well i might be an idiot but thats the way i see it so figure it out...
anyway here some group news :
* aneurysm probely quit drawing, i dont know if he will have a change of heart but if he wont he will be deleted of the member list.
* krestyle has been invited in, he got a realy cool style welcome to the group
for apps : volatile@main.aquanet.co.il
if you want to join leave me full detiles and dont forget we have a dualing
rule : 1 group except phunk only allowed.
- volatile phunk leader / wax senior
?g, ,,,,,,
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