this image contains text
...wyld studios...grail - founder...
Call me retarded or whatever you feel li
ke...I just plainly forgot.
Anyway...here are some info and other depart
ment write-ups I missed when I
compiled the March/April Newsletter.
...bbs modif department...the anarchist - depar
tment head - Productions division
Well, here is yet another WYLd Pack,
a month late but here indeed. The
reare a few releases this month for the pack
. A funky mod for PCB by
CatastrophicProphet and a cooleo new custo
mization for WYLd Program Request
er Lister v1.00.Other then that, Im curren
tly coding up a storm with
the Program Request Listerv2.00 and
there are a few other members working on
some projects for the Modsdepartm
ent also.
Other news? A new TWS The Way Stati
on for the unknowing -GR will
soonbe up and running. It will be taki
ng over as the WYLd Canadian HQ an
d we hope tocause some noise with the new sy
stem. Whats different? For one, it will
berunning OBV/2...there has been an additi
on of 1.6 gigabytes to the drive space,the
modem has been upgraded from 28.8k - 33.6k,
a programming conference isbeing added,
the phacvt conference will finally be sorted
, all the latest BBSmods will be tested h
ere before they are released to anyone, and
some new staffis being added. Here is the s
taff situation as it looks right now co
uld bechanges:
The Anarchist..sysop
Purple Dye..programming
NUV staff: Daddymac, Carlos the Jackal,
all the staff and probably a
couple more in the early stages o
f the new tws...
Anyhow...enough on that. Whats new in t
he PRL 2.00? There is going tobe a lot...j
ust the basics:
-configurable field lengths set the l
engths of requests, requester
names, etc.
-enable/disable displaying of the differ
ent fields.
-pipecode colors for ultimate customizat
ion of strings.
-a WYSIWYG mouse driven configuratio
n program which will make
customization a BREEZE.
-Tonnes more...dont want to give away t
oo much.
Well, thats it, thats all, for this p
ack. Watch for PRL 2.00 andshout outs t
daddymac..purple dye..grail..mephisto i
n onyx..shallow..ionic deviant
juice..scorpion..carlos the jackal.
.zero toloerance..lithium..all of
tws members..all of wyld and all of
the old 705 gang...
...wyld studios...grail - founder...
Call me retarded or whatever you feel li
ke...I just plainly forgot.
Anyway...here are some info and other depart
ment write-ups I missed when I
compiled the March/April Newsletter.
...bbs modif department...the anarchist - depar
tment head - Productions division
Well, here is yet another WYLd Pack,
a month late but here indeed. The
reare a few releases this month for the pack
. A funky mod for PCB by
CatastrophicProphet and a cooleo new custo
mization for WYLd Program Request
er Lister v1.00.Other then that, Im curren
tly coding up a storm with
the Program Request Listerv2.00 and
there are a few other members working on
some projects for the Modsdepartm
ent also.
Other news? A new TWS The Way Stati
on for the unknowing -GR will
soonbe up and running. It will be taki
ng over as the WYLd Canadian HQ an
d we hope tocause some noise with the new sy
stem. Whats different? For one, it will
berunning OBV/2...there has been an additi
on of 1.6 gigabytes to the drive space,the
modem has been upgraded from 28.8k - 33.6k,
a programming conference isbeing added,
the phacvt conference will finally be sorted
, all the latest BBSmods will be tested h
ere before they are released to anyone, and
some new staffis being added. Here is the s
taff situation as it looks right now co
uld bechanges:
The Anarchist..sysop
Purple Dye..programming
NUV staff: Daddymac, Carlos the Jackal,
all the staff and probably a
couple more in the early stages o
f the new tws...
Anyhow...enough on that. Whats new in t
he PRL 2.00? There is going tobe a lot...j
ust the basics:
-configurable field lengths set the l
engths of requests, requester
names, etc.
-enable/disable displaying of the differ
ent fields.
-pipecode colors for ultimate customizat
ion of strings.
-a WYSIWYG mouse driven configuratio
n program which will make
customization a BREEZE.
-Tonnes more...dont want to give away t
oo much.
Well, thats it, thats all, for this p
ack. Watch for PRL 2.00 andshout outs t
daddymac..purple dye..grail..mephisto i
n onyx..shallow..ionic deviant
juice..scorpion..carlos the jackal.
.zero toloerance..lithium..all of
tws members..all of wyld and all of
the old 705 gang...
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