this image contains text
The written messiah
issue 1
1st pack
Well, i feel like i should be doing this, just to fill people in on
what wolfpack is... i suppose everyone who isnt in is wondering..
well.. wolfpack has about 5 departments.. these are:
ansi, vga, coding, music, distros, and couriering. A little further
down youll be able to see them all, their members, and how were
doing.. thanks
Well.. actually, it pains me to say this, but we have a small
amount of ansi artist.. ill list to you what we started with
1: mask
now we have collected some others.. among these are:
Dark horse, Glasnost, and Spawn. we hope to keep recruiting
so if this is your department, then fill out the application!
Well, damn, this well is typical or vga is pretty nice... weve go
t several up and coming vga artists.. they do gifs i believe... one wa
s a former roc member, but he converted to wolfpack, and i hope that
all of you in roc follow tha example. Hello to papa smurf..
and, the hottest new , NEW gif artist around.. devz...
ha! no f*cking well, on this one..
I am proud to say that our huge coding staff of:
Chaos Enforcer, Glastnost, Eternal Darkness, Picard,
Smith Wesson, Equalizer former roc, akira,
outranks much, in fact almost all of the local competition
so.. find some a ansi artist g
I am sorry to say that we only have one superb music artist
despite countless offers however.. i would like to take this
line to compliment bonham on his music.. that stuff kicks ass
if your reading this and your a musician then step on board the
application generator.
damn, i finally spelt that rightg
Well.. i am pleased to say that weve got quite a few good
couriers.. most of them are internet, but we have one
poor shmuck, gremlin who has no idea what its about:
Titan, Dark Legacy, Gremlin, and some others are the couring
staff.. i wish them well on thier journeys..
corrosive poison: 703 491-9670 WHQ
lands of chaos 301-ido-ntno, 301 dist
dont call unless uve got wareZ
island of insanity 703 878-3305
Thanks for reading.... the artists name will be withheld
because this was a shitty performance of his ability.. so
go apply..
-wolfpack pres. mk
The written messiah
issue 1
1st pack
Well, i feel like i should be doing this, just to fill people in on
what wolfpack is... i suppose everyone who isnt in is wondering..
well.. wolfpack has about 5 departments.. these are:
ansi, vga, coding, music, distros, and couriering. A little further
down youll be able to see them all, their members, and how were
doing.. thanks
Well.. actually, it pains me to say this, but we have a small
amount of ansi artist.. ill list to you what we started with
1: mask
now we have collected some others.. among these are:
Dark horse, Glasnost, and Spawn. we hope to keep recruiting
so if this is your department, then fill out the application!
Well, damn, this well is typical or vga is pretty nice... weve go
t several up and coming vga artists.. they do gifs i believe... one wa
s a former roc member, but he converted to wolfpack, and i hope that
all of you in roc follow tha example. Hello to papa smurf..
and, the hottest new , NEW gif artist around.. devz...
ha! no f*cking well, on this one..
I am proud to say that our huge coding staff of:
Chaos Enforcer, Glastnost, Eternal Darkness, Picard,
Smith Wesson, Equalizer former roc, akira,
outranks much, in fact almost all of the local competition
so.. find some a ansi artist g
I am sorry to say that we only have one superb music artist
despite countless offers however.. i would like to take this
line to compliment bonham on his music.. that stuff kicks ass
if your reading this and your a musician then step on board the
application generator.
damn, i finally spelt that rightg
Well.. i am pleased to say that weve got quite a few good
couriers.. most of them are internet, but we have one
poor shmuck, gremlin who has no idea what its about:
Titan, Dark Legacy, Gremlin, and some others are the couring
staff.. i wish them well on thier journeys..
corrosive poison: 703 491-9670 WHQ
lands of chaos 301-ido-ntno, 301 dist
dont call unless uve got wareZ
island of insanity 703 878-3305
Thanks for reading.... the artists name will be withheld
because this was a shitty performance of his ability.. so
go apply..
-wolfpack pres. mk
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