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Stevie Ray Vaughan - Scuttle Buttin
letostak@ix.netcom.com Judy Letostak
Metal Edge BBS 619423-4970
1:202/1109 FidoNet
Tune down 1/2 step
guitar solo
Metal Edge BBS 619423-4970 San Diego, CA USA
Over 10,000 Guitar Tabs, pictures, construction docs, lessons,
interviews, sound files, lyrics, programs.
Riot Member and Distro, Warlock WHQ MetalNet WHQ
h hammeron ps pick scrape
p pulloff repeat phrase
vibrato letostak@ix.netcom.com
b bend + natural harmonic
/ Slide
* Artificial Harmonic
x ghost note
tr trill
letostak@ix.netcom.com Judy Letostak
Metal Edge BBS 619423-4970
1:202/1109 FidoNet
Tune down 1/2 step
guitar solo
Metal Edge BBS 619423-4970 San Diego, CA USA
Over 10,000 Guitar Tabs, pictures, construction docs, lessons,
interviews, sound files, lyrics, programs.
Riot Member and Distro, Warlock WHQ MetalNet WHQ
h hammeron ps pick scrape
p pulloff repeat phrase
vibrato letostak@ix.netcom.com
b bend + natural harmonic
/ Slide
* Artificial Harmonic
x ghost note
tr trill
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