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Deimos daems n. The smaller and more distant from the primary of the two
moons of Mars, after Deimos, a son of Ares, from deimos panic Greek,
or terror Latin.
anomaly ahnmehl n., pl. -lies. 1. Deviation from the normal or common
order, form, or rule abnormality. 2. Anything anomalous, irregular, or
abnormal. 3. Astronomy The angular deviation as observed from the sun
of a planet from its perihelion.
phantasm fntsem n. pl. -mata. 1. Something apparently seen but having
no physical reality a phantom. 2. An illusory mental image. 3. In old
Platonic philosophy, objective reality as perceived and distorted by the
five senses. Middle English fantasme, from Old French, from the Latin
phantasma apparition, specter from Greek, from phantazein to make
visible, from phainein to show.
phantasms deimos anomaly yak v.34 5i9PRiVATEb the b is for best
moons of Mars, after Deimos, a son of Ares, from deimos panic Greek,
or terror Latin.
anomaly ahnmehl n., pl. -lies. 1. Deviation from the normal or common
order, form, or rule abnormality. 2. Anything anomalous, irregular, or
abnormal. 3. Astronomy The angular deviation as observed from the sun
of a planet from its perihelion.
phantasm fntsem n. pl. -mata. 1. Something apparently seen but having
no physical reality a phantom. 2. An illusory mental image. 3. In old
Platonic philosophy, objective reality as perceived and distorted by the
five senses. Middle English fantasme, from Old French, from the Latin
phantasma apparition, specter from Greek, from phantazein to make
visible, from phainein to show.
phantasms deimos anomaly yak v.34 5i9PRiVATEb the b is for best
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