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.,Geekstas Paradise,..
from: Boba Fett date: 04/21/98
to: Rash read: 04/21/98
ref: gLUE?! bf! : xx/XX replies: YES
-cut------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a logo for one of the coolest artists I have ever met on the net, props
go out to Rash of Mistigris and gLUE. Werd man, thanx for joining.
bobafett!pODBBS 864.639.1007.
from: Boba Fett date: 04/21/98
to: Rash read: 04/21/98
ref: gLUE?! bf! : xx/XX replies: YES
-cut------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a logo for one of the coolest artists I have ever met on the net, props
go out to Rash of Mistigris and gLUE. Werd man, thanx for joining.
bobafett!pODBBS 864.639.1007.
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