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-cut------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is an experiment for Rashs Geekstas Paradise... Its not one of my best,but there is something I like about it... sorry for taking so long Rash. This
ones free, I havent done a logo in ages so Ill try to do you a better one foryour other stuff... just getting back into the swing...
bobafett!pODBBS 864.639.1007. boba.fett@x-net.net
-cut------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is an experiment for Rashs Geekstas Paradise... Its not one of my best,but there is something I like about it... sorry for taking so long Rash. This
ones free, I havent done a logo in ages so Ill try to do you a better one foryour other stuff... just getting back into the swing...
bobafett!pODBBS 864.639.1007. boba.fett@x-net.net
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